Euskadi Nouvelle Aquitaine MAgnetic Resonance network

Magnetic Resonance is the only quantitative technique that characterizes complex matter at the level of nuclei, atoms, molecules and micrometre scales. It is both a multi-disciplinary technique and science that proposes applications for many academic and industrial domains such as health and nutrition, energy and materials for the future and environmental issues.

The ENA-MAR network was created on February 23th 2017. Magnetic resonance scientists of Euskadi and Nouvelle-Aquitaine decided to go beyond the current state of the art and propose to the Euroregion community an ambitious project that will push the limits of knowledge to unprecedented levels and transfer it to the industrial tissue of both regions. About 30 laboratories of major university cites such as Bergerac, Bilbao, Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Limoges, Pamplona, Pau, Poitiers, San Sebastian and Vitoria, will beneficial of the project, as well as large, medium and small enterprises (Laffort, SAFT, Unither, Sanofi, CIVB, Guerbet, etc…) of the Euroregion.

Different area of research are covered by the ENA-MAR network:

. Structural Biology

. Metabonomics

. Imaging

. Supramolecular chemistry

. NMR methodological developments

. Polymer chemistry

. Battery / material science

. Environment science and toxicology


List of laboratory / platforms of the ENA-MAR network:

CBMNFrancePessacAntoine LoquetStructural biologySolid state NMR
IECB - NMR PlatformFrancePessacEstelle MorvanAxelle GrélardAnalytical chemistryLiquid and Solid state NMR
FrancePessacCameron Mackereth
Arnaud Gissot
Structural biology
Analytical chemistry
Liquid state NMR, nucleic acid, lipids
ICMCBFrancePessacMathieu Duttine
Dany Carlier
Inorganic chemistry
Solid state NMR
FranceTalenceYannick CholletAnalytical chemistrySolid and Liquid state NMR, organic chemistry
LCPOFrancePessacLéna AlembikAnalytical chemistryLiquid state NMR
RSMBFranceBordeauxAnne-Karine Bouzier-Sore
Marc Biran
Bio-imagingBrain metabolism
SCL33FrancePessacLaëtitia Gaillard
Antoine Galvan
Metabolomics (food...)
Analytical chemistry
Food and Wine analysis
Quantification of 2H
CRPPFrancePessacXavier BrillandAnalytical chemistryLiquid state NMR, organic Chemistry
IPREMFrancePauAbdel Khoukh
Laurent Billon
Analytical chemistryPolymers
Plateforme Metabolome Bordeaux
FranceVillenave d'OrnonTristan Richard
Grégory Da Costa
Structural analytical
Metabolomics (vine and wine)
Polyphenols, molecular interactions, vine, wine
Plateforme Résonance Magnétique NucléaireFrancePoitiersLaurent Lemée
Delphine Bon
Organic chemistry
Organic chemistry, natural extracts, biofluids
BISCEmFranceLimogesYves Champavier
Alexis Mailleau
Analytical chemistryOrganic chemistry, natural extracts
ISMFranceTalenceYannick CrémillieuxBio-imaging
CRCTBFranceBordeauxGael DournesImagingCT, MRI, thorax
EPOCFrancePérigueuxAurélien TrivellaAnalytical chemistryPhotochemsitry, analytical chemistry, green chemistry
CIC bioGUNE - NMR platformSpainBilbaoTammo DiercksMolecular Recognition & Host-Pathogen Interactions
Metabolism & Cell Signaling in Disease
Liquid state NMR, NMR Metabolomics
CIC biomaGUNE - NMR platformSpainSan SebastianDaniel PadroBiomaterials
in vivo MRI
liquid state NMR, in vivo MRI
CiC energiGUNE - NMR platformSpainVitoriaJuan Miguel López del AmoOrganic materials
Inorganic materials Paramagnetic materials
Metals and alloys
Solid state NMR
LCSNFranceLimogesVincent SolOrganic chemistryGreen chemistry, phototherapy, natural extracts
SGIker-UPV/EHUSpainSan SebastianJose Ignacio Miranda

Iñaki Santos
Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

Materials and minerals
Liquid state NMR

Solid state NMR
Dpto. Química Orgánica y Farmacéutica

SpainPamplonaCarmen SanmartínOrganic and Pharmaceutical ChemistryLiquid and solid state NMR